Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The End is Only the Beginning

Today was my last day of high school. I can't really fathom the fact that I am done, and that I will never again wake up to my 6:40 alarm clock, pack up my back pack, wait for Sarah to pick me up and run in the school doors trying not to be too late to first period. No more school nights? Bizarre! And surreal. What gets me the most, though, is the fact that college is around the corner. The 'High School' chapter of my life has ended and a new chapter will soon begin. A part of me is scared, another part excited. I am scared to enter a world where I will not have the short distance support of my best friends and my family, who are the most reliable people I have ever known. I also think of how I will need to reinvent myself; how I will have to make a name for myself. In high school I had the luxury of having connections with administration and making myself known as a leader, but how am I supposed to do that in college? With 30,000 kids? Too scary. However not to contradict myself, but that also excites me. I am able to have a somewhat fresh slate in college, where my past will not follow me and I will be able to create the person I want to be. Not that I'm looking to start over, but it's nice knowing I will make first impressions on most everyone. The entire idea of high school ending and college beginning makes me super anxious, but I know that everything will work out for the best. In the meantime, I plan on completely living it up this summer! Last summer with my best friends and family. Make it great :-)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Make a Statement

Statement Necklaces

This trend entices me yet also scares me. How do I choose an exotic necklace like the ones pictured above? How do I know the party on my décolleté won't be too much going on? The thing about these necklaces is that you need to understand the phrase "statement piece." When wearing a statment necklace, you must make sure the rest of the look is simple. No prints, and stay away from other statement jewelry, especially earrings. A few bracelets aren't bad, as long as they are simple and not statement pieces as well. Stay away from dangling earrings while wearing a statment necklace or else the look will become costume-y. I just recently bought a simple navy tank and I'm looking for a statement necklace in the blues family to dress it up while providing compliment. Don't be afraid to take on the challenge of the statement necklace... get creative with it but stay classy!

You say potay-to, I say potah-to!

FoodShouldTasteGood Chips

Chips are a guilty plesasure for us all, but the FoodShouldTasteGood brand rids the guilty part. These chips are not only 140 calories but they also live up to the brand's name. My verdict? If you're craving something with a crunch, grab a pack of these because they are delicious! There are a ton of different flavors as well... currently I'm lovin' the Sweet Potato kind! Visit their website to get all of the flavors, as well as nutrition facts and recommended accompaniments! Yum!

Pretty in pink!

Essie's Mademoiselle
Well-kept nails say so much about a person. Although they can be extrememly difficult to keep up with, (I am the first person to admit to that!) nice nails are extremely important. I'm currently loving Essie's Mademoiselle color. Add two coats of this and some clear polish and your nails instantly go from bare to blossomed. Also this shade is the perfect color to become noticably polished yet not too flashy.

Really want to nail this look??? ;) Make sure to apply a cream/oil to your cuticles nightly. No one wants to see a hangnail, let alone deal with them!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Can't Stop Thinking About...

Sperry Top-Siders

PhotoCred Cassandra Eldridge (

Who knew boat shoes were the next big thing in a Chicago suburb? I felt like a modern-day Cinderella the first time I tried on these shoes because they fit my feet like a slipper. The best thing about these shoes besides their comfort? Their neutral color goes with just about anything, but don't be afraid of trying the navy or metallic styles.

Modern Family
Laughter is life's greatest medicine. My advice if you're feeling down.... watch this show! The cast is perfect and each individual family in the show is not only lovable but absolutely hilarious in their own ways. On a side note, I am totally jealous of Gloria's accent.

Lifesavers PepOmints
Also available in spearmint flavor, these are absolutely addicting. I always have them on me and it seems like I'm getting the reputation of "mint girl" as everyone at work always asks for one - but hey, at least I'm promoting fresh breath! The delicious peppermint is not too strong, but gives you that extra little kick to keep you going throughout the day. Double plus -- did you know that peppermint is proven to improve brain activity?

Vinyl Records
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
First off, I hate that when I think of the word "vinyl" I think of the vinyl protection package that we offer at the detail shop of Delta Sonic. A few days ago I came across my mom's old collection of vinyl records, and let me tell you, I was super impressed! She has everything from The Beatles to Frank Sinatra to The Village People to Bob Marley and the Wailers. Vinyls are so cool and vintage and I wish I still had a record player. Luckily my friend, Avni, has one and I am looking forward to going over there soon to listen to some of the records in my mom's collection, especially this Sgt. Peppers record.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Mother's Love

To my mom... you are truly one of the most generous, caring, thoughtful people I have ever known. You are  the only person I know who would ask for bongo drums and ballet slippers for her 50th birthday, but that is why I love you. Thank you for being the one person in my life who I can count on to make me see the bright side of any situation. I hope to be half as good as a mother as you are to me. Happy Mother's Day.