Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The End is Only the Beginning

Today was my last day of high school. I can't really fathom the fact that I am done, and that I will never again wake up to my 6:40 alarm clock, pack up my back pack, wait for Sarah to pick me up and run in the school doors trying not to be too late to first period. No more school nights? Bizarre! And surreal. What gets me the most, though, is the fact that college is around the corner. The 'High School' chapter of my life has ended and a new chapter will soon begin. A part of me is scared, another part excited. I am scared to enter a world where I will not have the short distance support of my best friends and my family, who are the most reliable people I have ever known. I also think of how I will need to reinvent myself; how I will have to make a name for myself. In high school I had the luxury of having connections with administration and making myself known as a leader, but how am I supposed to do that in college? With 30,000 kids? Too scary. However not to contradict myself, but that also excites me. I am able to have a somewhat fresh slate in college, where my past will not follow me and I will be able to create the person I want to be. Not that I'm looking to start over, but it's nice knowing I will make first impressions on most everyone. The entire idea of high school ending and college beginning makes me super anxious, but I know that everything will work out for the best. In the meantime, I plan on completely living it up this summer! Last summer with my best friends and family. Make it great :-)

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